Information on transvaginal laser therapy for GP’s

As we age, we lose collagen everywhere… including the vagina

Normal skin is comprised of a thin top layer (the epidermis) that rests on a deeper layer (the dermis). The dermis contains a matrix of collagen – essentially the building blocks of skin. Combined with elastin, this provides structure and support to the skin. The vaginal tissue has a similar structure to skin, with a superficial layer supported by a layer rich in collagen and elastin. As we get older thinning of the collagen and elastin support matrix occurs leading to sagging of skin and vaginal wall tissue. Transvaginal laser can stimulate re-growth of collagen and elastin for tighter tissue in the vaginal wall.

Several things can cause vaginal collagen breakdown

From childbirth to surgery, natural ageing to obesity, there are many everyday factors that can affect the breakdown of vaginal collagen, and it happens to most women – it’s just that some feel it more than others.

Lax vaginal tissue can lead to “attenuated pelvic floor muscles”

When vaginal collagen is broken down, side effects can include Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), where urine leakage occurs during coughing, sneezing, laughing or anything else that increases abdominal pressure.
Attenuated pelvic floor muscles can also lead to diminished sexual satisfaction because of loss of sensation, affecting body image and self-confidence.

Why Might I need This

Throughout the ageing process our facial skin looses its vitality, wrinkles appear, and elasticity is reduced due to Collagen fibers fatigue. This is why so many women around the world, take cosmetic steps such as facials, renovative creams, and aesthetic procedures to ensure their face looks as young as possible.

The same process occurs in the vaginal tissue, where Collagen fibres lose their strength and elasticity. What causes it to break down?

There are a number of factors:

– Childbirth
– Surgery
– Hysterectomy
– Ageing
– Menopause
– Smoking
– Obesity

These triggers can degrade the vaginal tissue’s normal collagen and replace it with abnormal fibres that do not stretch and recoil. This creates tissue laxity and attenuated pelvic floor muscles

The side effects of this can include:

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) – urine leakage during increased abdominal pressure and changing positions, coughing, sneezing, laughing! SUI can also be accompanied by urge incontinence / overactive bladder.
Less pleasurable sex – looseness or stretching of the vaginal wall may contribute to diminished sexual satisfaction from loss of sensation. This is frequently accompanied by body image and confidence issues.



Breakthrough Procedure for Vaginal Tightening

  • Enhancement of vaginal muscle tone, strength and elasticity
  • Increased control over urinary incontinence
  • Heightened sensation during intercourse
  • Minimally invasive 30 minute treatment
  • No recovery or downtime